Because you need
time for yourself

Hopi candles

Ear candling is a therapy involving the cleansing of inner ear through heating part of the ear with a special candle enriched with a variety of essential oils. During the treatment, the heat generated through combustion of the candle stimulates the energy points of the ear and triggers the correct flow of energy. This therapy helps to alleviate many ailments and illnesses. The procedure takes about 30 minutes.

Treatment effects:

 Soothing effect in cases of irritability or stress
 Energy recovery in cases of weakness of audibility
 regulating pressure to help reduce headaches, migraines
 Local lymph activation and metabolic processes
 Stimulation of energy – circulating currents of energy
 Adjustment and improvement of circulation of vital energy
 Reduction of stress and muscle tension

Treatment of symptoms:

 Irritation of the ears or sinuses
 Impaired hearing acuity, hearing problems
 Labyrinthine vertigo;
 Tinnitus, “Ringing in the ears”
 Inflammation of the sinuses (nasal, frontal, maxillary)
 Rhinitis (including allergic rhinitis)
 Circulatory disturbances in the ear
 Idiopathic headache and migraine
 Neck migraine
 An excessive nervous excitability
 The so-called organ neuroses. “Vegetative” (stomach, colon, heart)
 Problems with the purity of vision and colour perception, sense of taste and smell
 Trouble falling asleep

Contraindications to ear candling
There are not many contraindications to ear candling. Ear candling cannot be carried out, in case of:
 rupture of the eardrum
 secretions from the ear (eg abscesses)
 allergies to bee and honey products
 diagnosis of cerebral vascular aneurysms
 different types of ear infections
 head injuries
 infectious diseases.

Ear candling is not recommended to patients who are unable to lie down motionless for several minutes i.e. small children and those with impaired motor coordination.


Hopi Candles £12

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